TILAPIA Vitamin B Iron Selenium Zinc BENEFITS Contains DHA acid Provides protein Protects cardiovascular health Improves digestion Prevents anemia Helps maintain a healthy weight OMEGA 3 Contains the healthy fats that our body needs and does not generate on its own DHA Fatty acid also present in breast milk. Essential for brain development. HEALTHY CARDIO Reduces blood lipid levels, thus preventing heart attacks. ORDER IT THE WAY YOU LIKE IT FILLET Ideal for ceviche or breaded for your kids. Take home not only a delicious fillet of the tastiest fish, but also the most nutritious kind. BURGER Ideal for ceviche or breaded for your kids. Take home not only a delicious fillet of the tastiest fish, but also the most nutritious kind. EVISCERATED Ideal for ceviche or breaded for your kids. Take home not only a delicious fillet of the tastiest fish, but also the most nutritious kind. BONELESS Ideal for ceviche or breaded for your kids. Take home not only a delicious fillet of the tastiest fish, but also the most nutritious kind. PLACE YOUR ORDER Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Cell Phone *Address *Select your Order *FILLETBURGEREVISCERATEDBONELESSKgs *E-mail *Message *Send